

Groupware is a type of software that allows teammates to interact and work with each other effectively, all while allowing the teammates to be in different places in different times if needed. There are four main types of groupware:

  • Synchronous (Same Time)
  • Asynchronous (Different Time)
  • Co-Located (Same Place)
  • Distance (Different Place)



There are many different services that groupware helps to facilitate, such as creating and sharing calendars and schedules, holding online meetings where each member can see and display information to others, and enabling collective writing, which allows all members to contribute and make changes to files and documents.



Groupware offers many advantages to organizations and teams that use it. These advantages include:

  • Reduced travel costs for business purposes (i.e. conferences)
  • Saving time and cost in coordinating group work
  • Facilitates group problem solving

There are a few disadvantages to using groupware as well:

  • Allows little or no non-verbal communication. Without gestures, facial expressions, tone, etc., business discussions have the opportunity of becoming complicated and could make misunderstandings more common
  • Possible Unreliability. Groupware servers, like many others, have the opportunity do go down, which means that the team will not be able to work on anything that uses the groupware if that happens.

Many people see the cost of the groupware to be an issue, but for the most part, there is only a high one-time cost for the software itself. There may be some maintenance costs down the line, but keep in mind that this will eliminate many costs, such as those for travel for business trips and conferences.